One Gallon Mail-Back Dental Amalgam System


One gallon dental amalgam waste.   In Stock

SKU: MWBM-980-010
Category: ,


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Each registered system includes outbound shipping, container, liner, liner tie, instructions, tape, return shipping box, manifest paperwork, return shipping, and proper recycling.
· Each system includes step-by step instructions, waste shipping containers, FedEx prepaid return postage and disposal and tracking documents.
· Meets hazardous material shipping requirements established by the US Department of Transportation.

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Important Notes


The registered system includes outbound shipping, containers, liners, liner ties, instructions, tape, return shipping box, manifest paperwork, return shipping, proper disposal and certificates of destruction.
Additional charges apply for replacement return shipping boxes.
· Acceptable waste items:
o Chair side traps & suction pump filters
o Spent amalgam capsules
o Contact or non-contact scrap amalgam
o Extracted teeth with amalgams (disinfected)
· Meets ADA standard and complies with ANSI 109 requirements
· All waste is properly recycled through a permitted facility
· Free liquids are only permitted in the 5 gallon bucket. For all other sizes, liquids must be in a sealed container prior to placement in the bucket.

